Low-level API

vcslinks.analyze(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path] = '.', **kwargs) → vcslinks.weburl.WebURL

Analyze a Git repository and return a WebURL instance.

>>> weburl = analyze()                                 
>>> weburl.rooturl
>>> weburl.commit("master")
>>> weburl.file("README.md")
>>> weburl.log()
>>> weburl.pull_request()
  • path – Path to a Git repository. It can be a path to any file or directory inside the repository. The root of the Git repository is found automatically by the git command.

  • branch – Local branch name to be used. The remote service is determined from this local branch. If not specified, current local branch is used if its upstream is in one of the supported remote service (e.g., GitHub). Otherwise fallbacks to master.

class vcslinks.WebURL(local_branch: LocalBranch)
blame(file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], lines: Union[None, int, Tuple[int, int]] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, permalink: Optional[bool] = None)str

Get a URL to blame/annotate page.


>>> weburl.blame("README.md")


>>> weburl.blame("README.md")


>>> weburl.blame("README.md")
commit(revision: str)str

Get a URL to commit page.

>>> weburl.commit("master")
diff(revision1: Optional[str] = None, revision2: Optional[str] = None, permalink: bool = False)str

Get a URL to diff page.


>>> weburl.diff("dev")
>>> weburl.diff(permalink=True)
>>> weburl.diff("master", "dev", permalink=True) == (
...     'https://github.com/USER/PROJECT/compare/'
...     '55150afe539493d650889224db136bc8d9b7ecb8'
...     '...'
...     '40539486fdaf08a39b57519eb06e0e200c932cfd'
... )


>>> weburl.diff("dev")


>>> weburl.diff("dev")
file(file: Union[str, pathlib.Path], lines: Union[None, int, Tuple[int, int]] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, permalink: Optional[bool] = None)str

Get a URL to file.


>>> weburl.file("README.md")
>>> weburl.file("README.md", permalink=True)
>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=1)
>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=(1, 2))
>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=(1, 2), permalink=False)


>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=1)
>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=(1, 2))


>>> weburl.file("README.md")
>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=1)
>>> weburl.file("README.md", lines=(1, 2))
log(branch: Optional[str] = None)str

Get a URL to history page.

>>> weburl_github.log()
>>> weburl_gitlab.log()
>>> weburl_bitbucket.log()
>>> weburl_github.log("dev")
pull_request() → Optional[str]

Get a URL to the web page for submitting a PR.

>>> weburl_github.pull_request()
>>> weburl_gitlab.pull_request()
>>> weburl_bitbucket.pull_request()
tree(directory: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, revision: Optional[str] = None, permalink: bool = False)str

Get a URL to tree page.